Business: Medical Equipment Financing
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Medical Equipment Financing
Get the financing your business needs with our tailored solutions and expert guidance
Flexible Medical Equipment Leasing
- Up to 6 years of financing
- Max 6 years asset age
- Minimum 10% down payment
Terms and conditions
- Financing currency is in EUR and ALL.
- Financing u to 90% of purchase value of the assetNo limit in financing value
- Tenor of financial lease varies from 12 months up to 72 months.
- Competitive interest rate starting from Euribor 12M+ 4% (further refer to the terms and conditions)
- The financed assets do not need additional collateral
- Administration commission starting from 1% of the financed value
Procedura për realizimin e një marrëveshjeje qiraje financiare është shumë e thjeshtë dhe e shpejtë dhe nuk kërkon kolateral shtesë:
- Ju zgjidhni pajisjet e telekomunikacionit dhe it , objekt i financimit pranë tregëtarit të autorizuar.
- Ju siguroni dokumentet e nevojshme për miratimin e qirasë financiare, sipas kërkesës dhe procedurave të Raiffeisen Leasing Sha.
- Pas miratimit të qirasë financiare dhe nënshkrimit të kontratës , ju duhet të kryeni pagesat për: Paradhënie,sigurim kasko dhe shpenzime noteriale që lidhen me transaksionin.
- Financial statements and monthly sales declaration.
- For Physical Persons that do not deliver Financial statements, annual declaration of profit tax
- Statement form e-albania related to the tax obligation of company.
- Identification documents for administrator and owner/s of the company
- QKR copy, Statute and Foundation Act.
- Copy of business licenses/ if applicable
- Other documents that can be requested from RLAL during decision process.
Documents required
All businesses can apply for medical equipment financing through finance lease. The documents that must be provided for financial lease application are as follows:
- Authorized dealer offer
- Application form completed and signed by the applicant.
- Financial statements and monthly sales statement.
- Declaration form from e-albania regarding the company's tax liability
- Identification documents for the administrator and owner/s of the company, copy of the QKR, the act of incorporation and the company's charter
- Copy of business licenses/ if applicable
- Other documents that can be requested from RLAL during decision process.
Why Raiffeisen Leasing Albania
Established Expertise
Benefit from Raiffeisen Leasing Sh.a's proven track record since its founding in 2006, backed by the experience and stability of Raiffeisen group, a leader in the Albanian banking sector.
Comprehensive Solutions
Access a full spectrum of financial products and services tailored to both business sectors and individual needs, reflecting modern European standards .
Strong Partnership
Part a subsidiary of Raiffeisen Bank International, which acquired and successfully transformed the Albanian Savings Bank, ensuring a robust infrastructure and reliable banking experience built over 20 years.